Belmont University Home

Betty W

Monday & Tuesday

Six different schools in two days – thousands of kids – lots of fun playing and interacting – testimonies & sharing of the gospel - hundreds of decisions!

Our team is now family! Their hearts and eyes have been opened to a much bigger world, and I believe each team member now has a more intimate relationship with their Savior. They have seen Him at work in their lives. They have listened to one another proclaim His love and saving grace. Words, again, fail us to share it all with you. I’m asking Tony to share through the lens of his camera the experiences of these past two days.


betty-director.jpgTomorrow’s Schedule (Wednesday)

Another school in the morning – followed by a visit to Rio das Pedras, one of Rio’s poorest favellas (slum), where we have done ministry on previous trips.

Tomorrow night we’re going to the Maracana’ stadium (largest outdoor soccer stadium in the world) to see a professional soccer game. That will be a well-deserved treat for our team.

Thursday we will sightsee and depart for home at 11:00 p.m.



I am soooooo proud of each and every team member. I have enjoyed reading each caption as the team has shared their faith in Christ. This is truly a remarkable team! I pray for safe traveling and good health until we see you again. Now, everyone off to bed early tonight...God has something special in store for you tomorrow! God bless each of you!

B-Dub, It does my heart good to know you will return to Rio das Pedras. If you see Eric R., be sure to give him a hug on behalf of Deb and me.

So much has changed since that first Rio team stood on the edge of the swamp where nothing but a pad for a church building existed. This team will now be a part of that ministry as well. God bless each one of you!

You all are in my thoughts and prayers as you finish your journey there in Brazil and travel home. I have chills remembering back to those days in Brazil and it is amazing to see His work there since that time. You are an amazing group of people and your work makes me so proud to say that I was a bruin. God bless!

Blessings B-Dub and Team
oh my goodness Betty please look for Jonathan in Rio das Pedras and tell him we will be in Rio in a week and that we pray for him daily. i have been praying for ya'll each day and know that this has been a life changing experience for each one of you.

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