Mission to Haiti – Day 3

Mission to Haiti 2012
from Emily Hawley and Hailey Wickles (pictured)

Picking up from last night we will tell you about our nighttime adventure… We were getting ready for bed and miss Martha startled the room announcing “ohhh my gosh- WE HAVE A CRAB!” of course hostess Jenny came in wondering why the crazy Americans were yelling and found us trying to coax the football size crab (no joke) out from underneath Julia’s bed. We soon settled down for another night of rest and we were glad to “sleep in” until 5am when the rooster (that we have named el diablo- Spanish for the devil) had our wake up call.

Off to breakfast which happened to be… Spicy Spaghetti noodles with cut up hot dogs- Yum!  Today we took the mobile clinic to a place here in Grand Goave they call “under the banana tree.” It seems fitting to call this “dermatology day” as some of our highlights of the day were ringworm, scabies, fungal infections, & unidentified rashes.

The nursing students were thrilled to hear a heart murmur, irrigate a bug out of a child’s ear, and aspirated an abscess.  We also loved getting to interact with all of the children and teaching them how to play “duck, duck, goose” that we reamed “no, no, oui.” It was a huge hit with the children and even the adults came to circle around a watch this new and fascinating game. We also learned the french word for sunglasses as the children couldn’t get enough time wearing each pair. Tonight’s devo will be on the roof under the Haitian constellation!

More to report tomorrow…

We are being continually blessed by the people of Haiti and look forward to more interactions!