Belmont University

Arrival in Cape Town South Africa

TonyHello everyone!! After 20 plus hours on the plan, 3 stops both groups are safely in Cape Town, South Africa. Only one person's luggage was lost out of both parties (mine). It is fifteen till 11 pm here and the group is relaxing, getting cleaned up and going to sleep. We will have breakfast at 8 am, orientation, and then our work begins. Pray that God will shine so brightly through both groups that people will just stop and look to see what is so different. We thank you all for your prayers for our safe travel.

In Christ,



Praise God...I'm so glad you're all safe and sound. Thank you so much for the updates, they mean the world to us.


Greg & Lorrie
PS We love you J. Gray! Love you too, Carly...

Mom, Ben, and I are delighted that God has been so merciful in allowing our daughter and her little extended family to arrive in their new mission adventure. May the Lord bless each of you. We love you and pray that the trip will be spiritually fruitful for all those you minister to and each of you.


Rachel's Mom and Dad

Hey! Glad you all made it safely! Hope you are getting a lot of rest. I am sure God has wonderful things planned for you all! And Tony, sorry you lost your bag. Hope you get it back!
My thoughts and prayers are with you all!

Tony, BW, Carly, and J Gray! I am so excited for you, what an amazing opportunity! Ill be watching and praying; I got a subscription to the journal. I know you and the team will have a huge impact on the people of Africa (especially the kids). Love you guys, God's peace!

So glad you are there! Hallie Anna says God Bless You All! We love you, Rachel! Hope you all have a wonderful time!

Praying for you all. Glad to hear you made it there safely.

Deane Webb

I'm so glad you are there safe.
Tell our Aunt Betty we love her!
The Harrells (Andy, Vickey, Samantha)

Way to go Ambassadors! Pleased to know you made it safely. We are praying for you and how awesome to make a difference. We are proud of all of you. I know Gods light will shine through you - Cacy you make us so proud! : ) Love, Mom and Dad

I'm so glad you all arrived safely. We love you Andy enjoy your trip.

Lord, I am often blind to your blessings. Remind me everyday that you are at work within me and around Me. God Bless you all.

Love, Mom and Dad

Yeah!!! I'm happy to hear you made it safely. I will continue to pray for safety and that you will continue to lift up God's name in prayer. May he add an overflow to your lives.

So glad you all made it there safely. Hope you all enjoy your trip and you are all making a huge difference!! Auntie loves you JJ. Be careful and have fun!! XO

Great group photo! Everyone looks so happy! We look on the internet 2-3 times a day for updates. Keeping all in our prayers!
Big earl says Hi to Mick
Love, Ruthie

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