Belmont University

June 12, 2009

Roswell, New Mexico

PierceWhen I was a kid, I used to look out my window up at the North Carolina sky every night. We lived 15 minutes from the airport, and the direct path to the main runway seemed to go right over our house.

Tucked away tight in my covers, I’d look up and see large objects with flashing lights. All logic suggests that these objects were airplanes-but try explaining that to a superstitious 9-year-old.

To further investigate my suspicions, I used to check out a UFO book from the elementary school’s little library. I didn’t need the Dewey Decimal System-I could walk blind-folded to the exact spot where that book rested.

Alien on the StreetFast forward 10 years and I’m on the streets of Roswell, New Mexico-a small town of 70,000 people that has fully accepted alien, UFO, and extraterrestrial culture. The McDonald’s playground is shaped like a flying saucer, and the Arby’s sign reads “Welcome Aliens.”

We’ve been asking the same questions all trip long-what makes a city unique and what draws people to come here? Well, as someone who is an “unexplained” junkie, I didn’t have to go far for that answer.

For me, the mystery and possibility behind UFO’s is the real draw to Roswell. Science can’t prove that aliens don’t exist-but they haven’t been able to prove that they do either. Do I believe aliens exist? Not necessarily-but the topic is intriguing.

Our first stop was the UFO museum-and things were a little hard to follow right off the bat. We weren’t treated to breathtaking visuals, but rather one giant poster board presentation that spanned across several thousand square feet. (Luckily, plans are in the works for a more impressive facility.)

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