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June 21, 2005


k_bus_cameras.jpgFor some of us being home means ice in a glass of tea, a shower head that sprays higher than chest-high, clean sheets, a room without mosquitos, air conditioning, toilet paper without grit, or even a morning cup of coffee where the spoon won't stand up in the cup by itself...regardless, we are are home! There are parts of us that are still in Ukraine and that is where those parts belong...it was our mission to leave behind the seeds of ministry, and that mission is accomplished.

For all of you who visited the Ukraine Journal over the last week or so, for those who have held this mission in prayer, and for the families of these athletes who were willing to share their children with the rest of the world...Betty, Debbie, and I want to say Thank You!

We have all been blessed by this experience. We can say without hesitation that the people of Ukraine have been blessed by this team.

...sipping fresh coffee at a high speed computer..at home,

Posted by Paul Chenoweth at June 21, 2005 07:11 AM


Thank you for giving the updates and for allowing me to pray for you. I'm happy for each of you to have had this amazing experience. Kimb and Britt - I'm proud of you.

Posted by: Deane Webb at June 21, 2005 01:45 PM

Paul and team- We are so thankful you are all home safely. You were obviously used by God in his plan for Ukraine. May God continue to bless the people whose lives you touched. May God continue to bless each of you for making yourselves available to Him and his work.
Wayne Causey
Forest Hills Baptist Church

Posted by: wayne at June 22, 2005 02:20 PM