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May 25, 2004

The work does not end here

Our trip has now come to an end with one more sightseeing day remaining. None of our lives are the same, in fact we all certainly feel blessed. The things we have seen in the last 10 days have been eye-opening to say the least. But however sad the conditions, God did not fail to move. There is no doubt in my mind that the streets we walked would be walked by Jesus if He were in the flesh today. However, He has proven to each of us that he is in fact in the flesh, and we saw Him over and over again in the lives we encountered. In fact, we were Him, despite our limitations, for so many we encountered.

Pray for those who received Him as their Lord and Savior. Pray that they and those that were delivered the Gospel but did not respond will actively seek fellowship with other believers and communication with God through prayer and Bible study.

Thank you for your prayers. They were felt, and people know Jesus today because of your efforts. I pray that each of you will be able (if you have never) to see the look on the face of someone hearing the Gospel for the first time. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in Rio. I encountered Him all week.

Posted by at May 25, 2004 07:48 PM


This is Alicia from the construction that began July 16, 2004. We were fully blessed in the most effective fashion. Just eagerly being busy with God's work through construction and evangelism makes the difference! God is working, literally, in superbnatural ways (as Sharon Fairchild stated the Sunday we were there).
I remain astounded at the grand reception from the earnest Brasilian nationals we encountered. Christ lives and we felt it tremendously as we had a tremendous church service the last full night in Rio in the exact church we had helped build that week.
Sharon and Ray-keep up the honest work in God's love! You are truly missionaries on fire for Christ!
Alicia Pickett

Posted by: Alicia Pickett at July 29, 2004 02:30 PM