Volunteer Opportunity

The Barbershop Harmony Society, which has recently relocated its international headquarters to Nashville, will be hosting its annual international convention here June 29th- July 6th 2008. There will be thousands of competitors from all over the US and Canada as well as Sweden,Germany, Australia and New Zealand. We’ll need volunteers for a number of areas including backstage but especially to staff the house doors at the Sommet Center.
The shifts would be as follows:
Wednesday July 2, 2008 9-1, 1-6, & 6-11
Thursday July 3, 2008 9-1, 1-6
Friday July 4, 2008 9-1, 1-6, & 6-11
Saturday July 5, 2008 9-1, 6-11
Volunteers that sign up for two shifts or more will receive a commemorative golf-type shirt. Sign-up forms are available at www.nashville2008.org