This summer the Curb Entertainment and Music Business College will offer a course in London, “The European Music Business,” taught by Dr. Don Cusic. In addition, students may take “Media Systems: U.S. and U.K.” and “The British Media” and “Linking British and American Popular Music” for Music Business credit. Additionally, there are a
number of other classes which can be taken; classes in Literature, Theatre, Political Science, Psychology, Marketing, Geography and History are offered.

The dates are July 5-August 6 and the cost is $4,895. This cost includes housing, a number of meals, travel passes for inner London transportation as well as a Brit Rail Pass; however, this amount does not include tuition. As an incentive, Belmont offers tuition at one-third the regular rate for the London course. This means that if you take 6 hours, you will only pay the equivalent of two (2) hours.
The deadline for applications is February 28th (submitted to WHB 207C). We have a limited number of brochures and applications in the Music Business office (BMH 447); also, Dr. Maggie Monteverde, who is the head of the Study Abroad programs at Belmont, has brochures and applications in her office in the Wheeler Humanities