Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Oct. 25
Health Services is forming a team of faculty, staff and students to participate in a five-mile walk for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, an annual event of the American Cancer Society to raise awareness and dollars to fight breast cancer. The event takes place on Sat., Oct. 25, beginning at 9 a.m. at LP Field/Titans’ Stadium. Anyone may participate either by walking, making a donation or organizing a fundraising activity. There is no registration fee. Plan to wear your favorite Belmont T-shirt. Please register online at, and find the 2008 walk in Nashville. Choose “Join a Team,” and enter “Team Belmont” in the Team Name field (You do not need to enter a Team Company.” For questions, contact Team Captain Katy Wilson at or Julie Rafferty at
Let Student Health Services Bring the Flu Vaccine to You
Student Health Services is offering flu clinics at your location for groups of 10 or more who want the flu vaccination Oct. 20-24 and Oct. 27-31 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The cost per shot is $16. Please contact Cilla Crane at or Julie Hawley at to schedule a time. The flu vaccine will also be available at Health Services starting Oct. 20. If you have any questions, call Belmont Health Services at 460-5506.
Belmont Is a Smoke-Free Campus
Belmont University is a smoke-free campus. All buildings are smoke-free. Smoking is only allowed in the following designated smoking areas:
• The first floor patio of the Massey Business center located above the ground floor entrance to the Curb School of Music Business
• The southwest corner of the plaza between the Wilson Music Building and the Massey Performing Arts Center
• The grassy area behind Pembroke Hall next to the new residence hall
• The east side of the plaza between the Beaman Student Center and Gabhart
• The west edge of the courtyard between Wright, Maddox and Kennedy Halls
• Outside the east rotunda of the Maddox Grand Atrium near the third floor pedestrian entrance to the parking garage
• On patio outside the west rotunda of the Maddox Grand Atrium and Curb Café
• The west corner of patio in front of Thrailkill Hall
• Patio area outside of scene shop behind theater complex
• On south side of library beside windows
• Outside of service entrance at the rear of Fidelity
• Behind Security Operations Center at 12th Ave. and Caldwell
Click here for a detailed map of these locations. Beginning in October, fees will be enforced for smoking outside of the designated areas—$25 for the first offense, $50 for the second offense and $100 for the third offense. The fourth offense involving a student will be referred to Student Affairs for disciplinary action. An employee’s fourth offense will be referred to the employee’s supervisor and the Office of Human Resources.
Information on smoking cessation programs is available by contacting Belmont’s Student Health Services.
Chick-fil-A 5K and Youth Running Festival Set for Sept. 20
The Chick-fil-A 5K and Youth Running Festival is scheduled for Sat., Sept. 20, starting at 5 p.m. on Belmont’s campus. Full info can be found at Last year this event provided 60,000 meals for families affected by hurricanes. Click here to download the event poster, and click here to download the race registration form.