Belmont Promotions

Nashville Children’s Theatre (NCT) is pleased to offer a special ticket discount to all Belmont Employees and Students. For each child’s ticket that is purchased, you will receive a second child’s ticket to the same performance free of charge. Simply mention that you are from Belmont when ordering your tickets. (You may charge them by phone with VISA or MasterCard.) The next performance is Seussical, based on the works of Dr. Seuss, November 14, 2005 – January 15, 2006. Most enjoyed by ages 5 and up. Please visit for specific performance dates.
A special SEUSS SLAM will be held at the Main branch of Nashville Public Library on Sunday, Dec 11 at 3 pm. During the event children will read Seuss-ian style stories and poems of their own creation. Special guests will read from Dr. Seuss books. For more information about the SEUSS SLAM or how children can participate, please call Julee Baber, NCT Director of Education at 254-9103.
For more information on NCT or for tickets, call Nashville Children’s Theatre at (615) 254-9103 or visit the theatre’s Web site at