Posted in Birthdays
on December 17, 2004
December 18
Dane Anthony, Student Affairs
Lucy Baltimore, Physical Therapy
Cheryl Jackson, Student Affairs
Seth Sheridan, Athletics
December 19
Mark Bryant, Student Affairs
Barbara Ward, Math/Com.Sci.
December 24
Christy Warren, University College
December 27
Angie Bryant, Beaman Student Life Center
Jonathan Thorndike, Honors
December 28
Susan Taylor, Business
December 29
Ernest Heard, Library
Michael Krouskop, University Marketing and Communications
Lolita Toney, University Counsel
December 31
Knut Le, Custodial Services
January 1
Sharon Dowdy, Nursing
Angie Shedd, Admissions
January 2
Kelly Harrison, Admissions
January 3
Melinda Grimac, Education
If you are new to the Belmont community, please send your birthday to so you can be recognized on your special day.