Bangkok – A Familiar Layover Airport

HannahAfter two days in Chiang Mai, we jumped on another plan to get to Phnom Penh. Somehow, the airports and planes feel more familiar than our hotel room. We had a four hour layover in Bangkok. It apparently is our layover city for the trip. We spied the corner that we slept in on our way to Chiang Mai, and I was particularly grateful for the daytime layover. One of my personal favorite parts of the day was when we played cards to pass the time. We played Egyptian Rat Race and B.S. Brandon also taught us how to play Copi, a Libyan card game taught to him by a friend. We were being international all around. It was a fun time to make memories as well as remember home, for card games are a family tradition during my family reunions. Other memories were made as well. Christine bought a block-type Rubik cube that we all became obsessed with. Almost every person tried at least once, with Brandon, Billy, and Bounchan spending a good amount of our flight and layover trying to tackle it. The worst part of it was that the girl who sold it was five and could complete the puzzle in under a minute. We have yet to solve it. I guess that will be our entertainment for the rest of the trip.

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