Volunteers Needed for Miller Harris Golf Tournament

SOLID Nashville is looking for 15-20 volunteers to help out at the Miller Harris Golf Tournament on Monday, September 11 at Temple Hills Country Club. Volunteers will help pass out prizes, greet players, and assist as needed throughout the day. You can volunteer for the entire day or for a half-day shift. Food and beverage will be provided.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer form below and email to Ben Short (ben.short@warnerchappellpm.com) or Audrey Green (agreen@bmi.com).

The deadline to apply is July 31.

Volunteer Form

More about the Miller Harris Memorial Golf Tournament:

The Miller Harris Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established in 2002 by family and friends of Miller Harris, who died tragically from an asthma attack in September of 1999 while preparing for a golf outing with friends. The Foundation has been set up to promote and support scholarships and organizations in Miller’s name. More importantly, their focus will ensure that memories of Miller are alive and their collective efforts will continue in his honor.”  For more information about Miller  and the tournament’s history, you can visit: http://www.millerharrisfoundation.org/.