Online industry resources for you!

People ask me all of the time which blogs and websites I follow, so this is for you!

Why? Because you need the following things:

– to network…you need to know about all events taking place in your area.

– to gather information…the more you know about the industry and the current happenings, the more intelligent you will sound in your interviews and while networking.

– to hear about your contact updates…you can see when one of your contacts has changed positions or been promoted.  This is a perfect opportunity to follow up with that contact and to send them a courtesy note.

– to read about new companies in your area…new company implies that they will need to hire some new employees.  Hint…meet those people ASAP.

– and finally – to perfect your marketable skills!  If you are interested in marketing, you should follow blogs regarding the trends and research behind marketing.  If you are interested in audio, make sure you are following the latest audio tech trends.

Here are some of my favorite blogs and websites:



The New York Times


Harvard Business Review

Huffington Post

Digital Music News

Now Playing Nashville

Business Insider

Fast Company

The Week Magazine



iMedia Connection

Business Innovation from SAP

The Wall Street Journal

Nashville Business Journal

