Notes on Cambodia

SusanWE ARE BACK!!!! And jet-lagged. I write this entry as a BRIEF reflection over the past few weeks comparing it to my experience over the past 6 (somewhat) years. WoW is the biggest thing that comes to mind. WOW!! Every year I am amazed at the experience I am so very blessed to receive. I watch the hearts of people (in both countries) and my own, change. How can I say? How can I do…
So here are some of my notes on Cambodia:
One of the biggest impacts in my own heart is the impact my husband has had in Cambodia. I am always amazed at what people say when I arrive… things like, Oh Suzan…Chas’ wife or You remember Chas’ wife? For those who don’t know, we were both there with our boys for 2 years and I have been back for 4 times with Chas and the boys only once….I am still known by many as Chas’ wife. I love that. It makes me think deeply of my real role in life and my purpose.
The second impact is the hearts of these young women!!! I am always amazed, but today I am soaking in the memories of such great times we have spent this year. So, for those who read the blog year after year, there is no comparison, just some memories of my heart. I am grateful to all of you who have sacrificed time with these women so they could experience something out of the ordinary. I have been forever impacted by their hearts. Chelsea has a smile and presence that can light a room…..I am amazed at her ability to use her gift of beauty to truly affect those around her. There is no sense of pride or righteousness in her, just love….that she has shared so sincerely. And then there is Emily…..who is quiet and reserved, but oh so deep and the way she sees God in all situations is comforting. I love to see her smile and the laugh she has is infectious. Phanie…or Stepahnie brings such a grace and “can do” attitude to the group, able to lead without hesitation and oh so deep. There is Victory (which is truly the way Cambodians will remember her) who has an incredible way of being and taking life in with that smile…and Kim whose smile and infectious laugh at all things lights up a room…her ability to lead is evident and her sense of planning is keen…..I do think she might lead a team to some foreign land if not Cambodia.

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Cambodia Forever In Our Hearts

SharonIn the mode of preparing to leave and saying our good-byes, we wake up to take a morning walk only to realize that we are too late to see the city wake up. It is already bustling with traffic and people; exercisers have gone to work; the sun is already high and hot in the sky. We see a couple of people still sleeping in hammocks or and one mother sending her children out to ask for food.
Last night as another farewell, we went to dinner with some of the friends in the church–the pastor, Sovann, and his wife, Sopheap, and their two young children; one of the nurse educators, Phalla, and her husband, Kenda, and their two beautiful daughters; Sotia and wife, Paesset, and 7 year old son who was only one year old when I first met them. It was one of my favorite times on the trip; a relaxed and comfortable time with children laughing, entertaining us with their singing, and playing silly games as children everywhere do. It is so amazing to be able to share in this way with people all the way around the world! We discussed raising children, stories of engagement and marriage, illness, faith, victories.

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